What we do

Biomass to Biochar

We offer placed based solutions to biomass reduction. Our method involves converting unmarketable woody slash and debris into biochar. The technology we use is portable and affordable, and we tour to expand awareness on how to retrofit existing practices to incorporate biochar making into our daily lives.

Education Services

We have discovered that not many people are aware of biochar's ability to enhance climate resilience. Its our goal to awaken the masses. This simplistic effort of reducing spent woody residues to a valuable treasure, benefits communities, the environment and our watersheds!

Join Us in Safeguarding Our Ecosystems

Our mission is to build a skilled workforce dedicated to reducing hard-to-access slash efficiently and safely. By doing so, we protect our ecosystems from both human-made and natural threats.

Explore, Learn, and Engage

Dive into our education center to discover more about biochar. Whether you're looking to book a seminar, learn about its benefits, or sign up for our upcoming Biochar Technician Program, we have resources to help you get started. Join us on this journey to make a tangible difference for our planet.

We would like to hear from you!


What we’ve done so far

Education, Inspiration, and demonstrations training to understand, making, and applying biochar, for moisture and nutrient retention which sequesters stable carbon, improving local soils.

1000 +

Tons of Carbon Sequestered

18 +

Communities Reached



1000 +

People Reached

Climate Weirdness Mitigation Stewards

By reducing slash and excess biomass into carbon, we are increasing resilience for nature to do what it does best! Our commitment towards minimal disturbance checks all the boxes for a bonafide eco-stewardship experience.  Get involved, there is much to do! 


Our partners and collaborators